How to Remove Amazon FBA Inventory and Avoid Fees

Amazon’s Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) program offers sellers the convenience of storing products in Amazon’s fulfillment centers, where Amazon handles packing, shipping, customer service, and returns. However, managing FBA inventory effectively is crucial to avoid accumulating storage fees and ensure a profitable business. This article offers a detailed how-to for getting rid of extra or outdated goods from Amazon FBA and avoiding the associated costs.

Understanding Amazon FBA Fees

Before diving into the removal process, it is important to understand the types of fees associated with Amazon FBA:

  1. Storage Fees

When it comes to merchandise kept in its fulfillment centers, Amazon charges monthly storage costs. These costs are determined by the inventory’s volume, expressed in cubic feet. The cost varies depending on the time of year, with fees typically increasing during peak seasons, such as the holiday period from October to December, when storage space is in high demand. This seasonal spike can significantly impact your overall storage costs if you have large volumes of inventory.

The monthly storage fees are calculated as follows:

  • Standard-size items: The rate is different for items stored from January to September compared to those stored from October to December. For instance, standard-size items may incur a fee of $0.75 per cubic foot from January to September, which could increase to $2.40 per cubic foot from October to December.
  • Oversize items: The rates for oversize items are similarly adjusted based on the season. For example, the fee might be $0.48 per cubic foot for most of the year and increase to $1.20 per cubic foot during the peak season.

Understanding these variations can help you plan your inventory levels more effectively throughout the year, minimizing unnecessary storage costs.

  1. Long-Term Storage Fees

For products that stay in Amazon’s fulfillment centers for more than a year, there are long-term storage fees. These regular assessments of fees can amount to a significant sum. The purpose of these fees is to encourage sellers to maintain a healthy inventory turnover and avoid using Amazon’s warehouses as long-term storage solutions.

The long-term storage fees are charged at a rate of $6.90 per cubic foot or $0.15 per unit, whichever is greater. This fee structure means that even a small number of slow-moving items can result in significant costs if they are not managed properly. It’s critical to routinely assess your inventory and identify slow-moving items that can be vulnerable to long-term storage fees in order to reduce these costs.

  1. Removal Fees

When you decide to remove inventory from Amazon’s fulfillment centers, either to return it to you or to dispose of it, Amazon charges removal fees. These costs are charged individually for each item and change based on the weight and size of the goods.

The removal fees are categorized as follows:

  • Standard-size items: Removal fees for standard-size items can range from $0.50 to $0.60 per item, depending on whether you choose to return the item to your designated address or have Amazon dispose of it.
  • Oversize items: For oversize items, the fees are higher, ranging from $0.60 to $1.90 per item, reflecting the increased handling and shipping costs associated with larger products.

Strategies to Manage and Remove Inventory

Effectively managing and removing inventory from Amazon’s fulfillment centers is essential to minimize costs and avoid long-term storage fees. Here are detailed strategies to help you efficiently handle your FBA inventory:

  1. Regular Inventory Audit

Performing regular audits of your inventory is crucial for identifying slow-moving, excess, or aged stock. This process involves a thorough review of your inventory levels, sales data, and market trends. By conducting these audits frequently, you can:

  • Identify Slow-Moving Items: Determine which products are not selling as expected. These items are candidates for promotions or removal to free up storage space.
  • Spot Excess Inventory: Excess inventory ties up capital and incurs storage fees. Identifying and addressing this can help improve your cash flow.
  • Detect Aged Stock: Products that have been in storage for a long time may be at risk of incurring long-term storage fees. Prioritizing their sale or removal can save costs.

Regular audits enable you to make informed decisions about inventory management, helping you maintain a healthy turnover rate and avoid unnecessary fees.

  1. Create a Removal Order

If you choose to take merchandise out of Amazon’s fulfillment centers, you can use your Seller Central account to initiate a removal order. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Log in to Your Seller Central Account:
    • Access your Amazon Seller Central account using your credentials.
  2. Navigate to the Inventory Tab:
    • Select “Manage Inventory” from the drop-down menu after clicking the “Inventory” tab.
  3. Identify Products for Removal:
    • Review your inventory list and identify the products you want to remove. Look for items that are slow-moving, excess, or nearing the long-term storage fee threshold.
  4. Select the Items:
    • Click on the checkbox next to each item you wish to remove. You can select multiple items at once.
  5. Choose Action on Selected:
    • Once you have selected the items, click on the “Action on Selected” button to open a drop-down menu.
  6. Create Removal Order:
    • From the drop-down menu, choose “Create Removal Order.” This will open a new page where you can specify the details of your removal request.
  7. Specify Quantity and Removal Method:
    • Enter the quantity of each item you want to remove. Then, choose the method of removal:
      • Dispose: Amazon will dispose of the inventory on your behalf. This option is useful for items that are unsellable or no longer needed.
      • Return: Amazon will return the inventory to the address you provide. This option is suitable if you want to sell the items through other channels or hold them for future use.
  8. Confirm and Submit the Removal Order:
    • Review your removal order to ensure all details are correct. Once you are satisfied, click on the “Confirm” button to submit the order. Amazon will process the removal and update your inventory status accordingly.
  9. Optimize Listings

Optimizing your product listings is a key strategy to enhance sales and manage excess inventory effectively. A well-optimized listing can significantly improve your product’s visibility and appeal to potential buyers. Here are essential elements to focus on:

  • High-Quality Images: Use clear, high-resolution images that showcase your product from multiple angles. Images should be professional and highlight key features and benefits to attract customers.
  • Clear and Detailed Product Descriptions: Write compelling product descriptions that provide all necessary information about the item. Include details about the product’s uses, dimensions, materials, and care instructions. This helps customers make informed purchasing decisions.
  • Competitive Pricing: To make sure your pricing is competitive, do market research. Consider using Amazon’s automated pricing tools to adjust your prices based on competition and demand.
  • Relevant Keywords: Include pertinent keywords in the description, bullet points, and title of your product. To determine the terms that people are using to search for your goods, use Amazon’s keyword tools.
  1. Promotions and Discounts

Implementing promotions and discounts can be an effective way to boost sales and clear out slow-moving inventory. Here are a few strategies to consider:

  • Lightning Deals: Offer limited-time promotions that provide significant discounts to attract a large number of buyers quickly. These deals are featured on Amazon’s deals page, increasing your product’s visibility.
  • Coupons: Create discount coupons that customers can apply at checkout. Coupons are highlighted on your product page and in search results, making them an attractive option for price-sensitive shoppers.
  • Sponsored Products: Invest in Amazon’s advertising solutions to promote your products. Increased traffic to your listings is generated by Sponsored Product advertising, which show up on product pages and in search results.
  1. Diversify Sales Channels

Expanding your sales channels beyond Amazon can help reduce inventory levels and reach new customer bases. Consider listing your products on additional marketplaces such as:

  • eBay: eBay is a large global marketplace that might assist you in reaching more prospective customers.
  • Walmart: By listing on, you can take advantage of Walmart’s reputable brand and reach a big customer base.
  • Own E-Commerce Website: You have complete control over your brand and customer experience when you create your own e-commerce website. Use platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, or BigCommerce to create and manage your online store.
  1. Liquidation

If certain products remain unsold despite your best efforts, liquidating the inventory can be a viable solution. Amazon offers an FBA Liquidations program where your unsold inventory is sold to wholesale liquidators. This can help you recover some costs and clear out space for new products. The liquidation process involves:

  • Submitting your products to the FBA Liquidations program.
  • Amazon selling your inventory to wholesale buyers at discounted prices.
  • Receiving payment for the liquidated goods, which can be a fraction of the original price but helps mitigate losses.
  1. Donate Inventory

Donating excess or non-profitable inventory through Amazon’s FBA Donations program can be both a socially responsible and financially beneficial option. This program allows you to donate products to various charitable organizations, which can:

  • Help you avoid long-term storage fees.
  • Provide potential tax benefits, as donations can often be written off as charitable contributions.
  • Support charitable causes and enhance your brand’s reputation for social responsibility.

Tips to Avoid Long-Term Storage Fees

Effectively managing your Amazon FBA inventory to avoid long-term storage fees involves strategic planning and proactive management. Here are some key tips to help you minimize these fees:

  1. Monitor Inventory Age

Regularly tracking the age of your inventory is crucial to prevent long-term storage fees, which are applied to items stored for over 365 days. Within Amazon Seller Central, utilize tools and create alerts to monitor the age of your inventory. Set up notifications to alert you when products are approaching the 365-day threshold. This allows you to take timely actions, such as running promotions, adjusting prices, or planning removals to avoid these additional costs.

  1. Forecast Demand

Accurately forecasting demand is essential to maintain optimal inventory levels. Use historical sales data, seasonal trends, and market analysis to predict future demand for your products. By aligning your inventory orders with these forecasts, you can avoid overstocking and the subsequent risk of long-term storage fees. Employ inventory management software or services that provide predictive analytics to enhance your demand forecasting accuracy.

  1. Implement Inventory Turnover Policies

Establishing and enforcing inventory turnover policies can help ensure that your stock remains fresh and moves consistently. Set specific targets for how long products should stay in fulfillment centers before taking action. For example, you might decide that items should not remain in storage for more than six months without some form of intervention. Regularly review and adjust these policies based on sales performance and market conditions to maintain an efficient inventory turnover rate.

  1. Utilize Amazon Reports

Amazon provides various inventory management reports that can offer valuable insights into your inventory’s performance. Make use of the Inventory Health Report to track your inventory levels, sales, and storage fees. The Aged Inventory Report helps identify products that have been in storage for extended periods, allowing you to take corrective actions before incurring long-term storage fees. Regularly reviewing these reports will help you make informed decisions about inventory management and strategy adjustments.


Successfully managing Amazon FBA inventory to avoid associated fees requires a combination of regular monitoring, strategic decision-making, and proactive measures. By implementing regular inventory audits, optimizing product listings, offering strategic promotions, diversifying your sales channels, and leveraging Amazon’s removal and donation programs, you can maintain a healthy inventory turnover and minimize storage costs. Employing these strategies will help ensure your FBA business remains profitable and efficient, allowing you to focus on growth and customer satisfaction.

FAQs on Removing Amazon FBA Inventory and Avoiding Fees

What are the different types of fees associated with Amazon FBA?

Answer: Amazon FBA fees include monthly storage fees based on the volume of inventory stored, long-term storage fees for items stored over 365 days, and removal fees for returning or disposing of inventory.

How can I avoid long-term storage fees for my Amazon FBA inventory?

Answer: To avoid long-term storage fees, regularly monitor the age of your inventory, accurately forecast demand to prevent overstocking, implement inventory turnover policies, and utilize Amazon’s reports to gain insights into your inventory performance.

How can I optimize my product listings to increase sales and reduce excess inventory?

Answer: Optimize your listings by using high-quality images, writing clear and detailed product descriptions, setting competitive prices, and incorporating relevant keywords. This improves visibility and appeal, helping to increase sales and reduce excess inventory.

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